Advertising guidelines

We've put together a list of advertising guidelines. If you still have questions after reading these guidelines, see our frequently asked questions, e-mail, or contact your account executive.

Guidelines for all advertising

All advertising materials must be pre-approved by Producer Marketing prior to use. For approval, please email a pdf to for approval.

  • Always include the designator "of California" with the Blue Shield name. Do not abbreviate California.
  • Your name or agency name must be at least as large as the Blue Shield of California name and/or logo.
  • If you use a Blue Shield of California logo in your ad, you must use the "Authorized Broker" logo. Please refer to the logos section below for logo requirements.
  • All ads must indicate that you are either an "authorized broker" or "independent broker." If you do not use the Blue Shield of California "Authorized Broker" logo, your name or the name of your agency must always be followed by the designator "authorized broker" or "independent broker."
  • Your California license number must appear on all business cards, written price quotations for insurance products, and advertising and print stationery systems. This includes direct mail pieces, newspaper advertisements distributed exclusively in California quotes, letterhead, and business cards. Your license number must appear in type that is the same size font as any indicated telephone number, address, or fax number. If you maintain more than one organization license, you are only required to use one of the organization license numbers in your materials.
  • The word "Insurance" must appear in type no smaller than the largest indicated telephone number on all advertising and stationery systems. This includes direct mail pieces, newspaper advertisements, quotes, letterhead, and business cards, written price quotations for insurance products, and print advertisements distributed in California.
  • The words "blue," "shield," or their phonetic equivalents or any variant thereof, may not be used in your agency's name, phone number, e-mail address, website address, or domain name registrations.
  • Ads must not imply that the agent or agency and Blue Shield of California are the same entity. The ad also may not imply that the agent is employed by Blue Shield or that the agency/brokerage is a Blue Shield sales office or claims office. For example, you may not advertise "Blue Shield of California New Enrollment" or "Blue Shield of California Group Sales."
  • When referring to Blue Shield plans, always use the term "healthcare coverage" or "health plans." Do not use the term "health insurance."
  • If you create an ad that contains rates or a rate table, you must clearly indicate which plan(s), county, and region the rates apply to and that the rates are just examples and not binding in any way upon Blue Shield.

Logo guidelines

All logos must be used "as is". No modifications are allowed without prior written approval from Producer Marketing except as outlined below.

  • Logos may be resized but may not be stretched disproportionately, either too wide or too tall. Consult your application's "Help" function for more information about keeping images in their original proportion.
  • The Blue Shield name and logo may be used in ads that market other services (such as life, disability, auto, or fire insurance products), but the ad must clearly indicate the name and logo of the company providing these other services.
  • The minimum size for the logo is 1 inch.

Download Blue Shield authorized broker logos.

Direct mail advertising guidelines

In addition to the guidelines that apply for all advertising, the following guidelines apply to direct mailings:

  • All direct mail letters and envelopes must include your name or agency name and address. All stationery should include your name or agency name, address, phone number, California license number, and the word "Insurance" in type no smaller than the largest indicated telephone number.
  • The Authorized Broker logo, if used, must be placed in the bottom right corner of the stationery or at the top left corner of the envelope and may not be larger than your name and address. Download logos.
  • The return address on envelopes must be addressed to your name or agency name first. The words "Authorized Broker for Blue Shield of California" may appear after your name and must be printed in type as large as the type used for your name or agency name.

Internet advertising guidelines

In addition to the guidelines that apply for all advertising, the following guidelines apply to internet advertising:

  • Agents must include the designator "of California" on every page with the first occurrence of the words "Blue Shield."
  • If you are going to create a hyperlink to the home page, you must designate the link with the language "Official website of Blue Shield of California."
  • The use of framing to show the official website of Blue Shield of California or of the BlueCross BlueShield Association is prohibited unless you receive prior authorization from the Blue Shield Producer Marketing Department.

BlueCross BlueShield association summary of guidelines & rules

As a member of the BlueCross BlueShield Association (BCBSA), Blue Shield of California is legally obligated to ensure that our organization and our producer relationships are correctly represented to the public.

BCBSA owns all rights to our service marks (logo, name, tagline and blue color), and has established standards that govern their use. Our advertising guidelines and rules are derived from the BCBSA Guidelines & Rules on the use of the Blue Cross® and Blue Shield® Service Marks.

For your protection and ours, any advertising you do that features the Blue Shield of California name and/or logo must comply with the guidelines and rules.

Logos & stationery

We've provided Blue Shield Authorized Broker logos for use in creating your own marketing materials. 
Use our logos for: 

  • Your company's website 
  • Direct mailings 
  • Client presentations

Get answers to frequently asked questions about logos and stationery. 
For additional assistance, please contact Producer Marketing at  

© California Physicians' Service DBA Blue Shield of California 1999-2025. All rights reserved. California Physicians’ Service DBA Blue Shield of California is an independent member of the Blue Shield Association. Health insurance products are offered by Blue Shield of California Life & Health Insurance Company. Health plans are offered by Blue Shield of California.