Help Medicare Supplement plan clients
Here are PDF resources that can help you manage your existing Blue Shield of California Medicare Supplement plan clients in our plans for Medicare beneficiaries.
- Evidence of Coverage documents
- Open and closed plan rate sheets
- Dental PPO enrollment form
- Transfer and other forms
- Over-the-counter (OTC) items catalog
Please note:
- All provider directories and materials you need for enrollment are located on the Arvato Storefront
The following browsers have been found to provide the best experience on the Blue Shield of California website: Google Chrome, Safari, Microsoft Edge, or Mozilla Firefox.
Evidence of Coverage for open plans
Get complete descriptions of our open Medicare Supplement plans.
Plan A (PDF, 691 KB) |
Plan F Extra (PDF, 948 KB) |
Plan G (PDF, 690 KB) |
Plan G Extra (PDF, 937 KB) |
Plan N (PDF, 733 KB) |
Evidence of Coverage for 2010 Standardized Closed Plans (closed 9/30/2019)
Get complete descriptions of our closed Medicare Supplement plans effective 10/1/2019.
Plan C (PDF, 206 KB) |
Plan D (PDF, 206 KB) |
Plan F (PDF, 208 KB) |
High Deductible Plan F (PDF, 302 KB) |
Plan K (PDF, 300 KB) |
Evidence of Coverage for Standardized and Pre-Standardized Closed Plans (closed prior to 5/31/2010) and specialty closed plans
Get complete descriptions of our closed Medicare Supplement plans.
Plan A (pre June 2010) (PDF, 253 KB) |
Plan B (pre June 2010) (PDF, 248 KB) |
Plan C (pre June 2010) (PDF, 248 KB) |
Plan D (pre June 2010) (PDF, 270 KB) |
Plan F (pre June 2010) (PDF, 242 KB) |
Plan G (pre June 2010) (PDF, 247 KB) |
Plan J (pre June 2010) (PDF, 309 KB) |
Plan K (pre June 2010) (PDF, 299 KB) |
Plan H Standard (PDF, 251 KB) |
Plan H Plus Rx (PDF, 252 KB) |
Plan I Standard (PDF, 294 KB) |
Plan I Plus Rx (PDF, 295 KB) |
Coronet Major Medicare (PDF, 328 KB) |
Coronet Senior Standard (PDF, 250 KB) |
Coronet Senior Plus Rx (PDF, 272 KB) |
Golden Coronet Senior Standard (PDF, 279 KB) |
Golden Coronet Senior Plus Rx (PDF, 282 KB) |
Preferred Senior (PDF, 260 KB) |
Specialty Duo Dental Policy* (PDF, 324 KB) |
Specialty Duo Vision Policy* (PDF, 3.7 MB) |
* Underwritten by Blue Shield Life and Health
Medicare Supplement closed plan endorsements
Get complete descriptions of our closed Medicare Supplement plan endorsements.
Plan A Endorsement (pre June 2010) (PDF, 106 KB) |
Plan B Endorsement (pre June 2010) (PDF, 106 KB) |
Plan C Endorsement (pre June 2010) (PDF, 106 KB) |
Plan D Endorsement (pre June 2010) (PDF, 106 KB) |
Plan F Endorsement (pre June 2010) (PDF, 106 KB) |
Plan G Endorsement (pre June 2010) (PDF, 106 KB) |
Plan J Endorsement (pre June 2010) (PDF, 106 KB) |
Plan K Endorsement (pre June 2010) (PDF, 106 KB) |
Plan H Standard Endorsement (PDF, 89 KB) |
Plan H Plus Rx Endorsement (PDF, 89 KB) |
Plan I Standard Endorsement (PDF, 89 KB) |
Plan I Plus Rx Endorsement (PDF, 89 KB) |
Coronent Major Medicare Endorsement (PDF, 88 KB) |
Coronet Senior Standard Endorsement (PDF, 88 KB) |
Coronet Senior Plus Rx Endorsement (PDF, 88 KB) |
Golden Coronet Senior Standard Endorsement (PDF, 88 KB) |
Golden Coronet Senior Plus Rx Endorsement (PDF, 89 KB) |
Preferred Senior Endorsement (PDF, 88 KB) |
Closed Plan G Inspire materials
Plan G Inspire Evidence of Coverage (PDF, 1.2 MB) |
Plan G Inspire Notice of New or Innovative Benefits Form English (PDF, 214 KB) |
Rate sheet (PDF, 215 KB) |
Evidence of Coverage for Dental PPO plans
Dental PPO 1000 (PDF, 417 KB) |
Dental PPO 1500 (PDF, 610 KB) |
Innovative plan notices
Open medical plan rates and specialty rates
Open plan rate sheet effective 7/1/24 (PDF, 392 KB) |
Dental PPO 1000 rate sheet (PDF, 59 KB) |
Dental PPO 1500 rate sheet (PDF, 54 KB) |
Closed medical plan rates and specialty rates
2010 Standardized Closed Plans (closed 9/30/2019) (PDF, 405 KB) |
1990 Standardized Closed Plans (closed 5/31/2010) (PDF, 198 KB) |
1990 Standardized Closed Plans (closed 12/31/2005) (PDF, 61 KB) |
Specialty Duo rate sheet (PDF, 83 KB) |
Medicare Supplement plan dental PPO flyer and enrollment form
Transfer forms and other forms
The transfer application is used when a current Blue Shield of California Medicare Supplement plan member wants to transfer to a Medicare Supplement plan of equal or lesser value during their Open Enrollment Period with guaranteed acceptance, enroll into the Household Savings Program under your current plan, or enroll in a dental plan. Please note, to help with our paperless initiative the transfer application is now only available for download. There are two copies built into the document, one for Blue Shield and one for the member.
Please note, a current Blue Shield Medicare Supplement plan member interested in applying for a richer benefit plan or an equal or lesser plan outside the Open Enrollment Period must fill out the Medicare Supplement plan Enrollment Application and complete the Statement of Health.
If a current Blue Shield Medicare Supplement plan member is interested in transferring to a plan with equal or lesser benefits, please have them work with you, their broker, for assistance in completing the transfer application.
Medicare Supplement Plan Transfer Form | English (PDF, 167 KB) Spanish (PDF, 164 KB) Chinese (Traditional) (PDF, 294 KB) Korean (PDF, 218 KB) Vietnamese (PDF, 254 KB) |
Vision claim form | English (PDF, 73 KB) |
Dentist nomination form | English (PDF, 238 KB) |
Over-The-Counter (OTC) items catalog
Medicare Supplement plans with the OTC Items Benefit:
Medicare Supplemental Plan G Extra
OTC Catalog | English (PDF, 173 KB) Spanish (PDF, 145 KB) Chinese (Traditional) (PDF, 285 KB) Korean (PDF, 186 KB) Vietnamese (PDF, 287 KB) |
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Page last updated: 1/1/2025