Product cycle updates
Effective April 1, 2025, premium adjustments will be implemented for our closed Medicare Supplement plans.
This annual update ensures that premiums reflect rising healthcare costs and other influencing factors while maintaining coverage standards for our members. For more information, please review the April 2025 Medical and Specialty rate action FAQ.
July 1, 2024 Medicare Supplement plans cycle
Effective July 1, 2024, most Open Medicare Supplement plans will receive a rate increase. Dental PPO plans for Medicare Supplement plan members will also experience a rate increase. For more information, find the “July 2024 Med Supp Rate Action talking points” on News and FAQs.
Existing Closed Plans receive a rate pass effective July 1, 2024.
Implant coverage will be added to Dental PPO 1500. For more information, find the “Dental and Specialty Duo Plan FAQ” on News and FAQs.
Fall detection will be added to the Plan F Extra PERS benefit. For more information, find the “Personal Emergency Response System (PERS) FAQ” on News and FAQs.
For a complete list of resources, including EOCs and rates sheets for open and closed plans, enrollment forms, and more, visit Help Medicare Supplement Clients.
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Page last updated 2/4/2025
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