IFP Member notifications

Client notifications

Starting mid-September, we will send all IFP members information about changes to their medical, dental, and/or vision plan rates and benefits. If a member does not have a rate or benefit change, they will still receive a renewal packet informing them there were no changes to their plan.


Important dates
September 12, 2024 Renewal notices and Grandfathered withdrawal notices start mailing
October 1, 2024 Early renewals begin. Member renewal tool and broker renewal tool become available.
November 1, 2024 Open enrollment begins. Quote & Apply tool is available.
December 31, 2024 Final date for new and renewing members to apply for coverage effective January 1, 2025.
January 31, 2025 Open enrollment ends. Final date to apply for coverage effective February 1, 2025.


Sample notifications

Samples of what your clients will receive are available below. Documents may vary depending on plan and underwriter. Please feel free to reference these documents:

Grandfathered plan withdrawal booklet
Subscribers enrolled in the following plans are being sent a withdrawal notice with information on their new 2025 medical plan effective January 1, 2025:

  • Balance Plan 1000-G to Silver 1750 PPO
  • Balance Plan 1700-G to Silver 1750 PPO
  • Shield Savings 3500-G to Silver 2600 HDHP PPO
  • Vital Shield 2900-G to Bronze 60 PPO

Grandfathered withdrawal booklet (PDF, 3.4 MB)

Dental plan withdrawal booklet
Subscribers enrolled in the following plans are being sent a withdrawal notice with information on their new 2025 dental plan effective January 1, 2025:

  • Value Smile PPO to Dental PPO
  • Smile PPO to Dental PPO

Dental withdrawal booklet (PDF, 3.2 MB)

Member renewal kit letter
Cover letter (PDF, 36 KB)

Renewal notification
On Exchange renewal letter (PDF, 69 KB)
Off Exchange renewal letter (PDF, 60 KB)
Off Exchange specialty renewal letter (PDF, 46 KB)
On Exchange Family Dental Plan renewal letter (PDF, 56 KB)
Grandfathered renewal letter (PDF, 53 KB)

Helpful information
Life events – Turning age 19/26/65 (PDF, 22 KB)

Life events – Medicare-eligible (PDF, 641 KB)
Hot topics: On Exchange Trio HMO (PDF, 33.1 KB)
Hot topics: On Exchange PPO (PDF, 27 KB)
Hot topics: Off Exchange Trio HMO (PDF, 31 KB)
Hot topics: Off Exchange PPO (PDF, 26 KB)

GF withdrawal plan comparison:

Specialty flyers
Off Exchange version (PDF, 32 KB)
On Exchange version (PDF, 32 KB)

Alternate Coverage Model Notice
Covered California Model Notice informs members who are directly enrolled through a health plan provider that they can also purchase health insurance through Covered California. They can also receive guidance from Covered California about help paying for their health insurance.
Alternative Coverage Notice (PDF, 53 KB)

Creditable Coverage Notice
This notice gives members information about their current prescription drug coverage with Blue Shield of California and their options under Medicare’s prescription drug coverage. This information can help them decide whether or not they want to join a Medicare drug plan. Members receive one of two possible notices, informing them whether their current coverage is considered to be Creditable Coverage or Non-Creditable Coverage.
Creditable Coverage (PDF, 45 KB)
Non-Creditable Coverage (PDF, 54 KB)

Nondiscrimination and Accessibility Requirements Notice (PDF, 333 KB)
Informs members who are directly enrolled through a health plan provider that they are also able to buy insurance through Covered California, where they can also get help paying for their health insurance. Blue Shield does not discriminate or treat our members differently because of race, color, national origin, age, disability, or sex. Our nondiscrimination notice is paired with the Language Assistance Program Notice. These documents provide meaningful communication for members with limited English proficiency and accessible communications for members with disabilities. It also notifies Blue Shield of California members that vital documents are available in Spanish, Chinese, Vietnamese, and other languages.

Gramm-Leach-Bliley Privacy Notice
Notifies Blue Shield of California Life & Health Insurance Company members about how Blue Shield of California collects, uses, shares, and protects the privacy of member's non-public personal and financial information.

Notice of Privacy Policy (PDF, 123 KB)
Informs Blue Shield of California Life & Health Insurance Company members of the privacy safeguards Blue Shield uses in collecting, using, and sharing personal information.

Medical benefit changes

Only specific medical plans will have revisions to their benefits. Please see the list below to determine if your client will receive a change guide for their particular plan.

On Exchange Plans: Platinum 90 PPO and AI-AN (PDF, 48 KB)

Mirror Platinum 90 PPO (PDF, 45 KB)

On Exchange Plans: Platinum 90 Trio HMO and AI-AN (PDF, 54.3 KB)

Mirror Platinum 90 Trio HMO (PDF, 53.4 KB)

On Exchange Plans: Gold 80 PPO and AI-AN (PDF, 49 KB)

Mirror Gold 80 PPO (PDF, 47 KB)

On Exchange Plans: Gold 80 Trio HMO and AI-AN (PDF, 62.1 KB)

Mirror Gold 80 Trio HMO (PDF, 61.3 KB)

On Exchange Silver 70 PPO (PDF, 46 KB)

On Exchange Silver 70 PPO AI-AN (PDF, 44 KB)

Silver 70 Off Exchange PPO (PDF, 49 KB)

On Exchange Silver 70 Trio HMO (PDF, 63.5 KB)

On Exchange Silver 70 Trio HMO AI-AN (PDF, 87.3 KB)

Silver 70 Off Exchange Trio HMO (PDF, 64.6 KB)

On Exchange CSR Plans: Silver 94/87/73 PPO (PDF, 46 KB)

On Exchange CSR Plans: Silver 94/87/73 HMO (PDF, 54.3 KB)

Off Exchange Silver 1750 PPO (PDF, 49 KB)

Off Exchange Silver 2600 HDHP PPO (PDF, 47 KB)

On Exchange Plans: Bronze 60 PPO and AI-AN (PDF, 48 KB)

Mirror Bronze 60 PPO (PDF, 45 KB)

On Exchange Plans: Bronze 60 HDHP PPO and AI-AN (PDF, 46 KB)

Mirror Bronze 60 HDHP PPO (PDF, 44 KB)

Off Exchange Bronze 7500 Trio HMO (PDF, 66.3 KB)

$0 Cost Share PPO AI-AN (PDF, 47 KB)

$0 Cost Share Trio HMO AI-AN (PDF, 54.3 KB)

On Exchange Minimum Coverage PPO (PDF, 45 KB)

Mirror Minimum Coverage PPO (PDF, 43 KB)


Specialty (dental/vision) benefit changes

Dental plans with ortho and waiting period

Dental PPO and Specialty Duo (PDF, 32 KB)

Enhanced Dental Plus PPO 25/500, Enhanced Dental Plus PPO 50/1250, Specialty Duo, Enhanced Dental PPO 50/2000 Lifetime Ortho 1500, Dental PPO 1500 (PDF, 31 KB)

Dental plans with ortho and without waiting period

Dental HMO, Dental Standard HMO, Family Dental HMO, Dental PPO, Specialty Duo, Enhanced Dental PPO 50/2000 Lifetime Ortho 1500, Dental PPO 1500 (PDF, 31 KB)

Dental plans without ortho and waiting period

Enhanced Dental PPO 25/500, Enhanced Dental PPO 50/1250, Enhanced Dental PPO 50/2000 (PDF, 30 KB)

Dental plans without ortho and without waiting period

Enhanced Dental PPO 25/500, Enhanced Dental PPO 50/1250, Enhanced Dental PPO 50/2000 (PDF, 29 KB)

Ultimate Vision plans (PDF, 31 KB)

© California Physicians' Service DBA Blue Shield of California 1999-2024. All rights reserved. California Physicians’ Service DBA Blue Shield of California is an independent member of the Blue Shield Association. Health insurance products are offered by Blue Shield of California Life & Health Insurance Company. Health plans are offered by Blue Shield of California.