Health education resources for Medi-Cal providers
The Blue Shield of California Promise Health Plan Health Education Department can assist you in meeting state requirements for health education by providing you with the following resources.
Patient health education: State requirements for providers (PDF, 908 KB)
Health education materials resources
Blue Shield Promise asks its network providers to commit to helping Blue Shield Promise educate patients about important topics. The following materials can facilitate discussion with your patients.
Emergency Room (ER) Health Education Campaign
- ER use, printable poster, 8.5”x11”, English (PDF, 2.7 MB)
- ER use brochure for patients, English (PDF, 3.9 MB)
- ER use, printable poster, 8.5”x11”, Spanish (PDF, 2.7 MB)
- ER use brochure for patients, Spanish (PDF, 3.9 MB)
Maternity program and breastfeeding information
Blue Shield Promise provides information and resources to help our members during all stages of pregnancy. Find information on our maternity program and breastfeeding resources for your patients.
Health education materials library
Print health education brochures
Health education classes and programs
Blue Shield Promise health educators offer health education classes in a variety of topics. Many local hospitals also offer free health education classes. Please refer your Blue Shield Promise patients to these services using the Health Education Referral Form. Members may also call our Customer Care line and ask to speak with the Health Education department for more information on these classes.
Behavioral Health Services
Blue Shield Promise behavioral health services cover mental health, substance use disorder, and autism spectrum disorder behavioral health treatment.
Population Health Management
Our Disease Management Program provides education, care coordination, and support for members with certain chronic conditions.
Comprehensive tobacco cessation services and screening for Medi-Cal patients
Learn about recommended tobacco use screenings and interventions.
State requirements for Medi-Cal providers' health education
Review the Department of Health Care Services (DHCS) requirements for Health Education for providers serving Medi-Cal patients.
Health education materials for members
Find health education brochures and videos available to Blue Shield of California Promise Health Plan members.
Health and wellness programs for Medi-Cal members
Help your patients find resources for staying fit, managing chronic conditions like asthma or high blood pressure, maintaining a healthy weight, and more.
Health assessment guidelines for Medi-Cal providers
Learn how to conduct health assessments, find age-appropriate patient questionnaires and forms, and related provider training materials.