Behavioral health resources
Find resources and information about behavioral health services for providers serving Blue Shield of California Promise Health Plan members.
Behavioral health resources for Blue Shield providers
You can provide immediate support to your patients who may need behavioral health care by using the resources available at Blue Shield of California’s PCP Behavioral Health Toolkit website. You will find clinical and referral information, screening tools and patient education resources to help you manage or refer your patient to meet their behavioral health care needs.
Tools to help you refer HMO and PPO commercial plan members for behavioral health services
Explore the PCP Behavioral Health Toolkit at any time to find these resources:
- Information about behavioral health conditions
- Screening tools and clinical practice guidelines
- Behavioral health provider lists for referrals
- Blue Shield drug formulary and medication information
- Patient education materials
- Community resources for your patients
- Behavioral health provider lists for referrals
If you have questions about managing or coordinating behavioral health care needs for your patients with coverage under one of Blue Shield’s HMO or PPO commercial plans, and you don’t find what you need in the PCP Behavioral Health Toolkit, contact us:
- Provider Customer Service Department
Phone: (800) 541-6652
- Blue Shield mental health service administrator for HMO and PPO commercial plan members
Phone: (877) 263-9952
Qualified autism service professionals
Effective January 1, 2024, California Senate Bill 805 (SB 805) expanded the definition of qualified autism service professionals (QASP) to include psychological associates, associate marriage and family therapists, associate clinical social workers, and associate professional clinical counselors. The bill also requires that those who qualify as a QASP meet the training and experience criteria established by the California Department of Developmental Services by July 1, 2026.
In accordance with the law, Blue Shield of California encourages all participating network providers to comply with the changes made via SB 805 to Health & Safety Code Section 1374.73 and Insurance Code Section 10144.51.
Maternity management
Blue Shield offers maternity clinical support and coaching for pregnant members and their spouse/partner through the Maven Maternity care management program. The program helps members manage pregnancy, loss/miscarriage, and three months of postpartum care. Members who enroll in Maven Maternity will have access to:
- A dedicated Care Advocate who will help the member find care, navigate their health benefits, find the right in-network providers, and more.
- On-demand access to Maven’s virtual network of providers, available 24/7 daily, including weekends and holidays, and spanning more than thirty specialties, including OB-GYNs, nurse practitioners, physical therapists, doulas, midwives, lactation consultants, infant sleep coaches, mental health specialists, and career coaches.
- Clinically approved content and virtual classes curated to the member’s specific milestone or need during their maternity journey. Examples of content include “What you need to know about the glucose screening test during pregnancy” and virtual classes such as “Breastfeeding 101.”
- View Maternity program information and sign-up instructions for members
Maternal mental health screening
Blue Shield asks that practitioners use an evidence-based screening tool to screen for maternal mental health conditions at least once per trimester and within six weeks postpartum.
Blue Shield’s Maternal Mental Health Screening Pathways (PDF, 290 KB) is a clinical tool to help practitioners conduct perinatal mental health screenings, submit billing codes for reimbursement, and link Blue Shield members to resources and treatment.
How to refer members with these Medicare benefit plans for behavioral health care services:
- Blue Shield TotalDual Plan (HMO D-SNP), Blue Shield Inspire (HMO D-SNP) or Blue Shield Coordinated Choice Plan (HMO) members
- Medicare Advantage Prescription Drug Plan (IMAPD) HMO members
Complete this Behavioral Health Care Management Referral Form (PDF, 131 KB), then email the completed form to the Blue Shield care team at the email address supplied on the form. The email address for submission will depend on your patient’s type of benefit plan.
Health Management programs
Find out about Blue Shield of California's Health Management programs available to eligible members with certain chronic conditions.
Learn about our programs for Blue Shield of California members
Wellvolution health and lifestyle programs
Learn about our personalized care programs helping Blue Shield of California members to improve their health, lose weight, reduce disease risk and feel better.
Preventive health guidelines
Access preventive health guidelines for healthy children, adolescents and adults. Included are immunizations, health screenings and more.
Provider manuals
Review reference procedure manuals and benefit guidelines.