Skip the fads and try these fact-based tips

Two happy women laughing and embracing

It’s no secret that diet plays an important role in heart health. A healthy diet is linked with a lower risk of heart attack or stroke. But many diet fads often promise instant results with minimal work. While severely limiting calories or sticking to one food group might help at first, the results often aren’t long-term. That’s because heart-healthy eating is a lifestyle – not a quick fix.

The good news is you don’t need fancy diet foods to be heart-smart. Many heart-healthy foods are probably in your cupboard or fridge right now. Here are five evidence-based tips* for heart-healthy eating, backed by the American Heart Association.

1. Limit highly processed foods

While the definition of “processed” can vary, highly processed foods often rely on added sugar, salt, and fat to keep them fresh. A diet high in ultra-processed foods can increase the risk of heart disease. To limit your intake of processed foods, cook meals at home and swap processed foods with healthy alternatives, such as:

  • Homemade granola
  • Plain yogurt with fresh fruit
  • Homemade popcorn 
  • Unsalted nuts or trail mix
  • Sparkling water (instead of soda)
  • Homemade baked sweet potato fries

2. Eat a variety of fruits and vegetables

It should be no surprise that fresh fruits and vegetables are part of a heart-healthy diet. But did you know that canned, frozen, or dried produce are healthy options, too? This means you can stock up on them no matter the season. Plus, it might make mealtimes easier and cheaper since you can buy in bulk without worrying about spoilage. Just be sure to avoid added sauces, which may contain salt, sugar, or fat.

3. Choose whole grains

Whole grains are high in fiber – a key ingredient for helping to reduce cholesterol and blood pressure. Foods must be at least 51% whole grain to be labeled “whole grain.” This usually means that the first ingredient has the word “whole” listed. Some examples of whole-grain foods include:

  • Whole-grain bread
  • Oatmeal
  • Shredded wheat cereal
  • Brown or wild rice
  • Quinoa
  • Whole-grain pasta

4. Go lean on protein

Protein is great for healthy muscles. But a diet high in red or processed meats, like sausages or hot dogs, is linked to heart disease. Adding more plant-based protein, lean meat, or fish can help you stay strong and heart-healthy. Options include:

  • Tofu, beans, and lentils
  • Fish and other seafood
  • Low-fat meat, such as skinless chicken, pork loin, and 93% lean ground beef
  • Low-fat cheese and milk
  • Eggs (in moderation)

5. Opt for healthy oils

Choose unsaturated vegetable oils for cooking. Instead of butter, use vegetable oil-based margarine. Try to limit trans fats – often found in processed foods. And steer clear of tropical oils, like coconut and palm, which are high in saturated fat. Some examples of healthy oils are:

  • Olive 
  • Canola 
  • Sunflower 
  • Safflower 
  • Soybean

Want support for a heart-healthy lifestyle? Wellvolution® offers programs designed to help you eat healthy, lose weight, manage stress, and quit smoking. It’s available to eligible Blue Shield of California members at no additional cost.

To explore more heart disease programs and resources, call the Customer Service number on your Blue Shield member ID card.

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*Blue Shield of California does not provide medical advice. Consult your doctor before making changes to diet or physical activity.

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