Ancillary claims filing guidelines for providers

Health care providers should file claims for their Blue Cross and/or Blue Shield patients to the local Blue Plan, as traditionally defined. However, there are a few circumstances in which claims filing directions will differ, based on the type of provider and service. For these circumstances, the local Blue Plan is identified differently.

For ancillary services, the local Blue Plan is defined as follows:

  • Independent Clinical Labs: All claims for clinical laboratory services provided to Blue Plan members must be submitted to the Blue Plan located in the state or service area where the specimen was drawn, regardless of where the specimen is analyzed. Where the specimen was drawn will be determined by the state of service area in which the referring provider is located. 
  • Durable/Home Medical Equipment and Supplies (D/HME) and Orthotics & Prosthetics (O&P): All claims for DME and O&P provided to Blue Plan members must be submitted to the Blue Plan located in the state or service area to which the DME or O&P is shipped, or in which it is purchased at a retail store.
  • Specialty Pharmacy: All claims for specialty pharmacy services provided to Blue Plan members must be submitted to the Blue Plan located in the state or service area where the ordering physician is located.

Note: Claims will be paid based on the provider’s participation status with the local Plan as defined above, regardless of the provider’s status with Blue Shield. 

For questions about filing ancillary claims under these requirements, call our BlueCard Claims Unit at (800) 622-0632.

Claims-routing tool

Use our claims-routing tool to find out where to send your claims by mail.

Special guidelines for claim forms

Special guidelines for CMS 1500 and UB-04 claims to help physicians submit these forms properly and process claims efficiently.

Enroll in EDI

Learn how to submit all of your claims and receive your payments electronically for faster processing and payment using electronic data interchange (EDI).

NCCI edits - physician and hospital outpatient

Review recent NCCI edits to physicians and hospital outpatient providers.

Payment policies and rules

Read an overview of payment processing policies and rules.


View listings of Richman Injectables (high-cost, adult, childhood, etc.), gene and cell therapy agents (including CAR-T), and behavioral health medications.

National Drug Code requirements for physician administered drugs

Find requirements and drug list for claims and encounters for Promise Medi-Cal and Cal MediConnect members.

© California Physicians' Service DBA Blue Shield of California 1999-2025. All rights reserved. California Physicians’ Service DBA Blue Shield of California is an independent member of the Blue Shield Association. Health insurance products are offered by Blue Shield of California Life & Health Insurance Company. Health plans are offered by Blue Shield of California.