Keep your health on track
To take advantage of the power of prevention, you and your family should discuss with your physician recommended screenings and tests that are appropriate to your age, gender, medical history, current health, and family history.
During the COVID-19 pandemic, telehealth offers a viable option for care that includes medical-related services, behavioral health care, ancillary professional care, and other virtual treatment by a healthcare provider.
Let's get started. First select your gender.
Now select your age range:
0-2 years
3-10 years
11-19 years
20-49 years
50+ years
Are you expecting?
Great! Here's what you chose:
0-2 years
3-10 years
11-19 years
20-49 years
50+ years
Now click on each box below for more information on topics you may want to discuss with your doctor.
Topics you may want to discuss with your doctor
Screenings, services, counseling
Safety |
Nutrition |
Dental health |
Safety |
Exercise |
Nutrition |
Dental health |
Other topics for discussion |
Exercise |
Nutrition |
Sexual health |
Mental health and substance use disorder |
Dental health |
Other topics for discussion |
Exercise |
Nutrition |
Sexual health |
Mental health and substance use disorder |
Dental health |
Nutrition |
Sexual health |
Mental health and substance use disorder |
Dental health |
Other topics for discussion |
Exercise |
Nutrition |
Sexual health |
Mental health and substance use disorder |
Dental health |
Nutrition |
Sexual health |
Mental health and substance use disorder |
Dental health |
Other topics for discussion |
Discussion topics at prenatal care visits |
Prior vaccinations (including flu shots) |
History of genital herpes |
Nutrition |
Smoking cessation |
Preterm labor risk |
Domestic abuse |
Mental health as an initial intervention service after screening for interpersonal and domestic violence |
Other medication and drug use |
Download a detailed fact sheet to share with your doctor.
COVID-19 |
DTaP (diphtheria, tetanus, acellular pertussis) |
Flu, annual2, 18 |
Hepatitis A |
Hepatitis B |
Hib (Haemophilus influenzae type b) |
IPV (inactivated poliovirus vaccine) |
Meningococcal (age 2 months-18 months) |
MMR (measles, mumps, rubella) |
Pneumococcal (pneumonia) |
Rotarix (rotavirus) or RotaTeq (rotavirus) |
Varicella (chickenpox) |
COVID-19 |
Dengue6 |
DTaP (diphtheria, tetanus, acellular pertussis) |
Flu, annual2, 18 |
Hepatitis A |
Hepatitis B |
Hib (Haemophilus influenzae type b) |
IPV (inactivated poliovirus vaccine) |
Meningococcal |
MMR (measles, mumps, rubella) |
Pneumococcal (pneumonia)6 |
Tdap (tetanus, diphtheria, pertussis) |
Varicella (chicken pox) |
COVID-19 |
Dengue6 |
Flu, annual2 |
Hepatitis A |
Hepatitis B 4, 29 |
HPV (human papillomavirus) |
IPV (inactivated poliovirus vaccine) |
Meningococcal |
MMR (measles, mumps, rubella) |
Pneumococcal (pneumonia)6 |
Tdap booster (tetanus, diphtheria, pertussis)17 |
Varicella (chicken pox) |
COVID-19 |
Flu, annual2 |
Hepatitis A3 |
Hepatitis B4, 29 |
HPV (human papillomavirus) |
Meningococcal8 |
MMR (measles, mumps, rubella)5 |
Pneumococcal (pneumonia)7 |
Td booster (tetanus, diphtheria)15 |
Varicella (chicken pox)10 |
COVID-19 |
Flu, annual2 |
Hepatitis A3 |
Hepatitis B4 |
Meningococcal |
MMR5 (measles, mumps, rubella) |
Pneumococcal (pneumonia)7 |
Td booster (tetanus, diphtheria)15 |
Varicella (chicken pox)10 |
Zoster (shingles) |
COVID-19 |
Flu, annual2 |
Hepatitis A3 |
Hepatitis B4, 29 |
HPV (human papillomavirus) |
Meningococcal8 |
MMR (measles, mumps, rubella)5 |
Pneumococcal (pneumonia)7 |
Td booster (tetanus, diphtheria)15 |
Varicella (chicken pox)10 |
COVID-19 |
Flu, annual2 |
Hepatitis A3 |
Hepatitis B4 |
Meningococcal |
MMR5 (measles, mumps, rubella) |
Pneumococcal (pneumonia)7 |
Td booster (tetanus, diphtheria)15 |
Varicella (chicken pox)10 |
Zoster (shingles) |
Download a detailed fact sheet to share with your doctor.
Annual exam |
Dental care |
Developmental/Behavioral |
Gonococcal ophthalmia |
Newborn Screening Panel23 |
Skin Cancer |
Vision and hearing |
Annual Exam |
Dental care |
Developmental/Behavioral |
Obesity |
Skin cancer |
Tobacco use and cessation |
Vision and Hearing |
Alcohol misuse |
Annual Exam |
Chlamydia and Gonorrhea |
Contraception |
Depression/Anxiety |
Domestic violence and abuse34 |
Drug misuse 25 |
Healthy diet and physical activity27 |
Hepatitis C30 |
Hypertension |
Latent tuberculosis infection (LTBI) |
Obesity |
Sexually transmitted infections26 |
Skin cancer |
Syphilis12 |
Tobacco use and cessation |
Alcohol misuse |
Annual Exam |
Chlamydia and Gonorrhea11 |
Depression |
Domestic violence and abuse34 |
Drug misuse 25 |
Healthy diet and physical activity27 |
Hepatitis C30 |
Hypertension |
Latent tuberculosis infection (LTBI) |
Obesity |
Sexually transmitted infections26 |
Skin cancer |
Syphilis12 |
Tobacco use and cessation |
Alcohol misuse |
Blood pressure, height, weight, BMI, vision, and hearing |
Cardiovascular disease35 |
Colorectal cancer |
Contraception |
Depression/Anxiety |
Diabetes22/Prediabetes |
Drug misuse 25 |
Healthy diet and physical activity27 |
Hepatitis C30 |
Hypertension |
Latent tuberculosis infection (LTBI)33 |
Obesity |
Sexually transmitted infections26 |
Skin cancer |
Syphilis12 |
Tobacco use and cessation |
AAA (abdominal aortic aneurysm) |
Alcohol misuse |
Blood pressure, height, weight, BMI, vision and hearing |
BRCA risk assessment and genetic counseling/testing20 |
Breast cancer |
Breast cancer medication use |
Cardiovascular disease35 |
Cervical cancer |
Chlamydia and Gonorrhea 11 |
Colorectal cancer21 |
Contraception |
Depression/Anxiety |
Diabetes/Prediabetes22 |
Domestic violence and abuse |
Drug misuse 25 |
Fall prevention28 |
Healthy diet and physical activity27 |
Hepatitis C 30 |
Hypertension |
Latent tuberculosis infection (LTBI)33 |
Lung cancer31 |
Obesity |
Osteoporosis13 |
Sexually transmitted infections26 |
Syphilis12 |
Tobacco use and cessation |
Urinary incontinence |
Alcohol misuse |
Blood pressure, height, weight, and BMI, vision and hearing |
BRCA risk assessment and genetic counseling/testing 20 |
Breast cancer |
Breast cancer medication use |
Cardiovascular disease35 |
Cervical cancer |
Chlamydia and Gonorrhea11 |
Colorectal cancer |
Depression/Anxiety |
Diabetes/Prediabetes22 |
Domestic violence and abuse34 |
Drug misuse 25 |
Healthy diet and physical activity27 |
Hepatitis C30 |
Hypertension |
Latent tuberculosis infection (LTBI)33 |
Obesity |
Osteoporosis |
Sexually transmitted infections26 |
Skin cancer |
Syphilis12 |
Tobacco use and cessation |
Urinary incontinence |
AAA (abdominal aortic aneurysm) |
Alcohol misuse |
Blood pressure, height, weight, BMI, vision and hearing |
BRCA risk assessment and genetic counseling/testing20 |
Breast cancer20 |
Breast cancer medication use |
Cardiovascular disease35 |
Cervical cancer |
Chlamydia and Gonorrhea 11 |
Colorectal cancer21 |
Contraception |
Depression/Anxiety |
Diabetes/Prediabetes22 |
Domestic violence and abuse34 |
Drug misuse 25 |
Fall prevention28 |
Healthy diet and physical activity27 |
Hepatitis C 30 |
Hypertension |
Latent tuberculosis infection (LTBI)33 |
Lung cancer31 |
Obesity |
Osteoporosis13 |
Sexually transmitted infections26 |
Syphilis12 |
Tobacco use and cessation |
Urinary incontinence |
For Pregnant Women |
Alcohol misuse |
Anxiety |
Aspirin14 |
Asymptomatic bacteriuria |
Breast- feeding primary care interventions |
Chlamydia and Gonorrhea |
Depression |
Drug misuse 25 |
Flu, Annual |
Folic acid |
Gestational diabetes |
Healthy weight gain |
Hepatitis A |
Hepatitis B29 |
HIV23 |
Maternal Mental Health |
Preeclampsia |
Rh (D) incompatibility |
Syphilis12 |
Tdap |
Tobacco use and cessation |
Urinary incontinence |
Download a detailed fact sheet to share with your doctor.
Click here for a numerical listing of endnotes for Blue Shield of California's Preventive Health Guidelines, which are based on nationally recognized guidelines. Please refer to your Evidence of Coverage, Certificate of Insurance, or policy for plan/policy coverage of preventive health benefits.