Pharmacy resources
Amazon Pharmacy now available
Now you can choose Amazon Pharmacy to deliver your routine medications right to your door
Home delivery pharmacy
Skip the pharmacy line. Get extended-day supplies of your routine prescription drugs delivered to your door.
Over-the-Counter (OTC) items allowance
Plans with this benefit include a quarterly or monthly amount to cover over-the-counter health and wellness items
Medicare Drug Formulary
Our Medicare Advantage and Medicare Prescription Drug Plans include a list of covered drugs
Pharmacy network
Learn more about how and where to get your prescription medications
Price Check My Rx
Your member portal includes a tool you can use to compare the cost of your medications against other available options
Coverage decisions and exceptions
Request coverage of specific prescription drugs
Transition policy
What happens to your prescriptions when you enroll in a Medicare plan with prescription benefits?
Understand our medication transition process
Medication Therapy Management Program services
Get help with your medications, improve outcomes, and reduce the risk of adverse effects
Pharmacist provider services
Get help managing your medications at no additional cost to you
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Page Last Updated: 2/23/2025
Amazon Pharmacy is independent of Blue Shield of California and is contracted by Blue Shield to provide home delivery of prescription medications to Blue Shield members. Members are responsible for their share of cost as stated in their benefit plan details. Information about specific prescription drug benefits and drug benefit exclusions can be found in the member's plan documents. Members may call the Customer Service number on their Blue Shield member ID card if they have questions about their Blue Shield prescription drug coverage.