Teladoc general medical services
Many Blue Shield members have 24/7 access to U.S. board-certified physicians, including pediatricians and family doctors. Depending on your plan, you can get this care for $0 extra cost or the same or lower copay as an office visit.1
Skip urgent care and connect with a doctor in minutes (1 hour or less response time). Or make an appointment in advance that fits into your schedule.
Sign in to your Blue Shield account to speak with a doctor or request an appointment.
You may also use the Blue Shield mobile app to request a consult. If you need help creating a Teladoc account, call (800) Teladoc (835-2362). Wait times vary.
Teladoc mental health services
Set up an appointment with a licensed psychiatrist, psychologist, or counselor by phone or video. Appointments are available daily from 7 a.m. to 9 p.m., from the convenience and privacy of your home, often for low or no copayment. Teladoc mental health services are only available to members age 13 and older. Not all plans include access to Teladoc mental health services.1
Use Teladoc when
- You’re considering a visit to urgent care
- It’s not an emergency
- You'd prefer a consultation from your home
- You’re on vacation, a business trip, or away from home
- Your primary doctor is not available
- You’d like to speak to a mental health professional about stress, anxiety, depression, grief, or something else
The care you need, when you need it
- Cold and flu symptoms
- Allergies
- Bronchitis
- Respiratory infection
- Sinus problems
- Prescriptions2
- And more
1 . Check your Evidence of Coverage/Policy or call the customer service phone number on your ID card to determine if your plan includes access to Teladoc. Employer-sponsored plans that include Teladoc access may have out-of-pocket costs that vary by plan. If you have a high-deductible health plan or a PPO Savings plan, you may have to pay the full provider rates until your deductible has been met. Please confirm pricing when you schedule your appointment.
2. Refer to your prescription drug coverage for any out-of-pocket costs. If you do not have prescription drug coverage, you are responsible for the cost of the prescription drug. Teladoc Health does not issue prescriptions for: DEA-controlled substances, pain medication, psychotropic drugs, and drugs that may be harmful due to the potential for abuse.
© 2025 Teladoc Health, Inc. All rights reserved. Teladoc and the Teladoc logo are trademarks of Teladoc Health, Inc. and may not be used without written permission. Teladoc does not replace the primary care physician. Teladoc does not guarantee that a prescription will be written. Teladoc operates subject to state regulation and may not be available in certain states. Teladoc does not prescribe DEA-controlled substances, non-therapeutic drugs, and certain other drugs which may be harmful because of their potential for abuse. Teladoc physicians reserve the right to deny care for potential misuse of services.
Blue Shield of California is an HMO, HMO D-SNP and PPO plan with a Medicare contract and a contract with the California State Medicaid Program. Enrollment in Blue Shield of California depends on contract renewal.
Your network providers may offer telehealth and in-office services. Contact your primary care provider, treating specialist, facility, or other health professional to learn whether telehealth is an option. Network telehealth and in-person services are subject to the same timely access to care standards. If your plan has out-of-network benefits, they are subject to your plan’s cost-sharing obligations and balance billing protections.
The company complies with applicable state laws and federal civil rights laws and does not discriminate, exclude people, or treat them differently on the basis of race, color, national origin, ethnic group identification, medical condition, genetic information, ancestry, religion, sex, marital status, gender, gender identity, sexual orientation, age, mental disability, or physical disability. La compañía cumple con las leyes de derechos civiles federales y estatales aplicables, y no discrimina, ni excluye ni trata de manera diferente a las personas por su raza, color, país de origen, identificación con determinado grupo étnico, condición médica, información genética, ascendencia, religión, sexo, estado civil, género, identidad de género, orientación sexual, edad, ni discapacidad física ni mental. 本公司遵守適用的州法律和聯邦民權法律,並且不會以種族、膚色、原國籍、族群認同、醫療狀況、遺傳資訊、血統、宗教、性別、婚姻狀況、性別認同、性取向、年齡、精神殘疾或身體殘疾而進行歧視、排斥或區別對待他人。
Blue Shield of California 601 12th Street, Oakland, CA 94607.
H2819_25_023A_C Accepted 02162025
Y0118_25_023A_C 01272025
Page last updated 02/24/25
Get the care you need when you need it most. Talk to a doctor or mental health professional anywhere you are by phone or video on many Blue Shield of California plans.