Wellness discounts disclaimer

These discount program services are not covered benefits of Blue Shield health plans and none of the terms or conditions of Blue Shield health plans apply. Discount program services are available to all members with a Blue Shield medical, dental, vision, or life insurance plan.

The network of practitioners and facilities in the discount programs are managed by the external program administrators identified below, including any screening and credentialing of practitioners. Blue Shield does not review the services provided by discount program providers for medical necessity or efficacy. Nor does Blue Shield make any recommendations, representations, claims, or guarantees regarding the practitioners, their availability, fees, services, or products.

Some services offered through the discount program may already be included as part of the Blue Shield plan covered benefits. Members should access those covered services prior to using the discount program.

Members who are not satisfied with products or services received from the discount program may use Blue Shield's grievance process described in the Grievance Process section of the Evidence of Coverage or Certificate of Insurance/Policy. Blue Shield reserves the right to terminate this program at any time without notice.

Discount programs are administered by or arranged through the following independent companies:

  • Alternative Care Discounts – services provided by the ChooseHealthy program, made available through ChooseHealthy, Inc., a subsidiary of American Specialty Health Incorporated (ASH)*
  • Vision Discount Program - EyeMed
  • Fitness Facilities – Fitness Your Way (Tivity Health)

Note: No genetic information, including family medical history, is gathered, shared or used from these programs.

*The Alternative care discounts are available to members with a Blue Shield medical plan. You are obligated to pay participating healthcare providers directly for the discounted services. The ChooseHealthy program has no liability for providing or guaranteeing services and assumes no liability for the quality of services rendered. Discounts on products and services available through the ChooseHealthy program are subject to change. Please consult the ChooseHealthy website for current availability. 

Trademark use and information:


  • Fitness Your Way and Tivity Health are trademarks of Tivity Health, Inc.
  • Amazon is a trademark of Amazon.com, Inc. or its affiliates.
  • Blue Shield and the Shield symbol are registered marks of the BlueCross BlueShield Association, an association of independent Blue Cross and Blue Shield plans.
  • ChooseHealthy is a federal registered trademark of ASH and used with permission herein.​
Wellvolution programs

© California Physicians' Service DBA Blue Shield of California 1999-2025. All rights reserved. California Physicians’ Service DBA Blue Shield of California is an independent member of the Blue Shield Association. Health insurance products are offered by Blue Shield of California Life & Health Insurance Company. Health plans are offered by Blue Shield of California.