Group HMO plans
With a health maintenance organization (HMO) employees choose a primary care physician who guides their care. The benefits of choosing a Blue Shield HMO plan include cost savings and coordinated care.
Which HMO network fits your needs?
Our HMO plans are available with one of three HMO provider network options:

Access+ HMO
The Access+® network is our broadest HMO network; employers can choose from a wide range of premium and copayment options.

Local Access+ HMO
The Local Access+® network is ideal for employers with a localized employee base looking to reduce their healthcare spending.

Trio HMO
The Trio network is an accountable care organization (ACO) that provides an integrated network model of care between Blue Shield, medical groups, and hospitals. See the Trio HMO section below for additional information.
Trio HMO plans offer improved health outcomes and reduced costs
With Trio, you have access to a specially selected network of doctors, hospitals, and specialists who are committed to working together to deliver a better healthcare experience.
- An accountable care organization (ACO), “Trio” represents the collaboration between Blue Shield, medical groups, and hospitals.
- The integrated model helps eliminate silos within care delivery and reduces duplicative services.
- Trio HMO provides greater value for each healthcare dollar without skimping on coverage.
- With Trio HMO plans, members get access to Shield Concierge – our personalized and coordinated customer care assistant.